Tender for support to export promotion projects and participation in trade fair events in 2023
Title of the project
The expansion strategy of the Acetaia Castelli brand towards Asian countries
Description of the project
Acetaia Castelli is a historic company in the province of RE that has been producing “Balsamic Vinegar” for over 100 years. For 2023 the company has focused on countries that can be grouped into a homogeneous area by market and demand characteristics with participation in 3 local fairs (Foodex in Japan, FHC China in China and an Italian Food & Beverage event in Singapore ) and at Tutto Food Milano where he met foreign buyers from the macro-area with the aim of structuring himself by identifying importers, partners, buyers and large-scale retail trade.
Targets and Results
The company has come into contact with potential buyers and importers in the macro area and distribution agreements are being defined. The fairs also allowed us to come into contact with potential foreign end customers.
Financial support granted: 22.600,90 euros
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund